Friday, November 7, 2008

Oral Cells and Tissues By Garant ! Contribution by Dr. Karam Jeet

Book Review
Since the deciphering of the genetic code, scientists have gained enormous insight into how cells and tissues function. It is now evident that our understanding of the structure and function of oral cells and tissues must be based on knowledge of subcellular mechanisms common to most cell types. More than ever, the basic sciences are essential in oral biology, helping us to understand the nature of oral cells and tissues in health and disease. This book seeks to bring our understanding of the basic biology of the oral cavity to bear on the daily clinical practice of dentistry. To accomplish this, whenever possible, the chapters conclude with sections on the basic science and clinical correlations of the information presented. It is my hope that individuals seeking an overview of the cellular components of the oral cavity, whether they are dental students or researchers new to the biology of the oral cavity, will find this book to be a useful framework for their studies.
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