Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Our site cited in a foreign blog!

I don know which language it is an wat it says.....!
however, our Dr.Kelvin of orthofree has commented something mentioning me!
Somebody translate for me...!


Anonymous said...

Hello Dr Prem,

He wrotes in Portuguese from Brasil!

"Dr Prem is an Indian wich have an excelente site, very very good, with many information about periodontology!Lately he stops posting so oftenly, but never losing the quality of posts"

Congratulations! you have an excelente site:D i agree with dr Kelvin!

Greats from Portugal!

Ricardo Dias(4th year student)

Cicloescenico said...

Hello, I´m Leijohn, from Argentina...I´ve published your page in, a latin community...
This text is written in portuguese, it makes reference of your page...

Greetings from Argentina, you have a very interesting page...


Hello Dr Prem,the commentar posted on Blog do Dentista was about your site. The author refered to Periocraze
provides many ebooks, programs dental clinics, articles and more, to all and everything free . I explained to Dr JV you are a periodontist from India and I agree to him about Periocraze.
The language is portuguese.
Blog do Dentista is from Portugal.
[ ]'s


Anonymous said...

You can try google translation tool.. it will translate it for you or use babel fish translation tool
Good luck and keep up the good work

Rodrigo Campos said...

Helo Dr. Prem, this language is PORTUGUESE and this blog is "Dentist blog" in english.

In the post he says: "I thought that having a library with thousands of books of Dentistry in digital format was an exclusivity of certain orthodontist that I know, I discover a periodontologist making the same school that Kelvin. The guy provides many ebooks, dental software, articles and more, all free. It gives the name of Perio Craze and can be found here.

Practise the English and join the fun."

Kelvin coment:"Dr Prem, is an Indian and has this great site, very good indeed, much of perio. He recently slow down the speed of new posts but does not lose quality."

Best regards.
A friend of Brazil.

Perionet said...

Language: Portugués I guess from Brazil
"He thought that the only way to have a big collection of digital (pdf) books of destistry was asking his friend an orthodontist. But searching he found a periodontist (who make the same school as Kevin.)(sharing the same University with Kevin.)Literal traduction
The guy has many ebooks, dental software,articles, etc all of them without cost, free. You may search Perio Craze link"

premlaury said...

Thank u so much docs...! for enlightening me...

Thanx to Ricardo, cicloescenico,kelvin, rodrigo, eduardo, Vinny , and perionet editor...... thanx so much for ur quick responses...!

and thanx Kelvin for publicizin this site...!

Jose said...

I love this blog ;-)

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