Saturday, March 20, 2010

As Good As New! A Patient Education Book ! Great book for all Practicing Implants!

The book cuts through the clutter of confusion surrounding the safety and reliability of dental implants.

The following sections in the book are very patient friendly

*Discover whether you would make a good candidate for implants and how to find the right implant doctor; *Understand what will happen below and above your gums, as well as what to do if you need more than implants; *Find out what to do if something goes wrong; *Learn how to live with your new implants.

This a must-read for anyone who is a potential candidate for implants, as well as for dentists who are interested in becoming involved in implant reconstruction.

(See Comments)

Xclusiest! Dent O Soft ! Awesome Dental Management Software!

  • Patients record, bills, graphical treatment chart, perio chart, reminders, appointments, holiday calendar, reporting, communications (chat), medicines and prescriptions are some of the characteristics of Dent-O-Soft.
  • The application runs from a flash disk, without requiring installation. So you can get the files always with you and run the application from any PC you want, without the restriction to run the application on a single computer and without the synchronization pain.
  • Safeguarding medical secrecy. The application can operate in two roles, "Doctor" or "Secretariat" with restrictions to data access.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Complications in Periodontal Surgery! Exam time most wanted powerpoint!

This is a topic that is oft encountered but least talked about!
And as a PG Student, the most asked about questions during surgeries and exams!
So as a part of EXAM FEVER STUDY MATERIALS, heres a wonderful powerpoint!
Use it as a last minute review before exams!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Seminar on Tissue Engineering and Periodontal Therapy

The concept is not new and its application in periodontal therapy is beginning to show the brighter side of it. Do read it and get enlightened!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Dental Computing and Applications: Advanced Techniques for Clinical Dentistry ! A mouth watering book!

Wonderful wonderful book that talks about all the latest in technology and how it has refined dentistry for the past 2 decades..!
Everything from computerized case histories to complex CT scan! U name it U got it!
A must must recommended book for all dentists especially those who have a fondness to computing..!

Huge Sale of Seminars!! Collected over a period of 15 years!! More than 450 plus seminars covering entire Periodontal curriculum! No need to run anymore for seminars! Worth Rs.85000 at Rs.969 only!!

4 GB of Seminars and more!! Buy Now !! Sl. No Seminar 1. Cell Signalling Molecules 2. Management of Aggressive Peri...